The health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic generated an economic and economic and social crisis crisis in the Republic of Congo, affecting all sectors of activity and vulnerable segments of the population. In order to participate in the response plan against Covid-19, the companies gathered within Unicongo have responded favorably to the call for solidarity launched by the Head of State, allowing a donation of foodstuffs and and medical equipment worth approximately 90 million F CFA.
A total of 112 tons of foodstuffs (packs of water, bags of rice, bags of sugar, cans of sardines, cans of oil), and medical equipment (sachets of powdered detergent, bleach, boxes of gloves, hydroalcoholic gels, surgical masks These were given in equal parts in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire, almost simultaneously, to the Minister of Health and the Minister of Humanitarian Action on the one hand, and to the Prefects of Kouilou and Pointe-Noire on the other.
The 28 May 2020On May 28, 2020, at the National Institute for Young Deaf People in Brazzaville, the President of Unicongo, Mr. Alphonse MISSENGUI, accompanied by the heads of Unicongo member companies, handed over foodstuffs for the benefit of vulnerable populations to the Director of Cabinet representing the Minister of Social Affairs and Humanitarian Action.
The next day, the 29 May 2020Unicongo donated health materials to the Central Purchasing Office for Essential Medicines and Health Products (CAMEPS), which was received by Mrs. Lydia MIKOLO, the Minister in charge of health.
On this occasion, Mr. Alphonse MISSENGUI, the President of Unicongo, on behalf of the Union, specified that"Thanks to the commitment of many members of Unicongo, we were able to collect the equivalent of 90 million CFA francs in foodstuffs and health products and materials to support vulnerable populations and health personnel...".
At the same time in Pointe-Noire, a delegation of Unicongo led by its Vice President, Mr. Christophe PUJALTE handed over to the Prefects of Pointe-Noire and Kouilou the donations of sanitary equipment and foodstuffs, of the same nature as in Brazzaville. Mr. Christophe PUJALTE declared in his speech: "Considering the seriousness of the crisis we are going through, several companies affiliated to the Union have already responded individually or within their profession to the call for solidarity launched by the President of the Republic". He also said that in addition to the donations of May 28 and 29, 2020, the cumulative financial and material support of large companies Unicongo already represents nearly 2.1 billion CFA francs.
Both in Brazzaville and in Pointe-Noire, the recipient authorities thanked Unicongo for its concern and promised to make good use of it.
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