Represent The Union represents its members before public bodies, regional and international organizations. At the request of national authorities, Unicongo appoints representatives to participate in various bodies and commissions: CNSS, Labor and Trade Court, Litigation Commission, etc. 

Advocate Interface with public administrations, Unicongo is present wherever the company is concerned. The Union intervenes on a preventive basis when the interests of its members are at stake, or in the form of assistance and advice.

Mobilize Unicongo is committed to collective action on issues of interest to or involving several of its members, including collective agreement negotiations.


Dialogue As a privileged interlocutor of public authorities and development support organizations, Unicongo encourages internal dialogue within federations, committees and commissions. The Union is also very attentive to all opportunities for dialogue within the framework of the various partnerships.

Advisor From simple information to personalized assistance, the Union provides various services to its members. It provides them with legal and administrative assistance, and can intervene directly with administrations and state agencies.

Analyze For its members, Unicongo carries out economic, fiscal and social studies. The Union also carries out a daily legal and legislative watch for its members. 


Inform The economic and social publications of the Union are available to members, associate members and potential investors: technical journals, the Congo Eco newspaper, the Union's institutional website, archives of legal texts, a directory, a collection of the Official Journal of the Congo, national and international press, etc.

Gathering Unicongo is a major player in the economic development of the country and remains the essential place for all its members to meet and exchange ideas. On certain occasions, associate members may also join.

Animate The Union, as a professional organization, offers its members the opportunity to exchange and share experiences through the various meetings of its bodies.

Unicongo is committed to establishing and maintaining a permanent liaison between its members. As well as to provide them with a maximum of information in order to help them to fully exercise their activity.

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