L'eradication of poverty, l'gender equality and theand empowerment of all women and girlsthe promotion of sustained economic growth growth, shared and sustainable growththe full and productive employment and decent work for allare sustainable development goals that depend, among other things, on the education and training of young people.

The imbalance observed between the cities and the countryside, caused by the weakness of rural investments and by the exodus of young people in search of well-being, to whom the cities often offer only illusions, when they are not tempted by migration to Europe in very difficult conditions, challenges the States and all development actors.

In the wake of the various summits of African Heads of State and Government held since 2004 in Ouagadougou on employment, and in Addis Ababa on education and training over the past decade, in the framework of theAfrica's Agenda 2063Several meetings have been organized on the continent by the IOE (International Organization of Employers) and the ILO in collaboration with African employers' organizations and with the support of the European Union, the ADB, the World Bank and the German International Cooperation:

  • The 5th Summit of Social Partners for Employment in Africa, held in Abidjan on September 13 and 14, 2018;
  • The Conference of Employers' Organizations of West and Central Africa organized in Conakry, Republic of Guinea, on December 12 and 13, 2018 on the theme "Employment Development in the Green Economy;
  • The ILO-ADB forum in Brazzaville on the theme " Unlocking the potential of rural economies through investment in skills development and employability in the agricultural sector in Central Africa " ;
  • The 3rd Pan-African Youth Conference on Unity and Sustainable Development in Africa organized in Banjul, The Gambia from March 24-26, 2019 on the theme, " The Future is Now with Youth ".

The role of young men and women is highlighted in the inclusive and inclusive and sustainable development of the African continentthrough a better education and a very good training. But also appropriate investments by public authorities and the private sector of African countries, which needs the skills of young people open to innovation and entrepreneurship, benefiting from maximum learning opportunities in youth enterprises for better integration into economic and social life.


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