Founded in 1958, Unicongo (Union Patronale et Interprofessionnelles du Congo) is an employers' association governed by the Law of 1901. Its members are grouped into 16 professional federations each headed by a President, assisted by one or more Vice-Presidents.

The Union represents private sector companies in the Congo, and defends their interests with public and institutional authorities. In order to improve the business climate and contribute to the development of the Congolese economy, the Union informs, accompanies and advises these companies confronted with the changes of an economy formerly dominated by the public sector, and today, strongly impregnated with the context of globalization. It also works to promote and encourage the implementation of a business development policy.

Being the most representative employers' organization of the private sector in the country, Unicongo is a member of the International Organization of Employers, and therefore participates in the following activities

  • At the International Labour Conference ;  
  • At all consultations organized at the Central African level by the CEMAC and the ECCAS ;
  • To development support organizations involving the private sector.

Within the framework of the partnership that binds it to the public authorities, the Union is a member of various commissions and national committees, and sits on the boards of directors of several public establishments and social organizations (CNSS and ACPE).

History of the Union

New Unicongo members

In December 2023, Unicongo welcomed 5 new members, bringing the total number of new memberships in 2023 to 65, a significant increase on previous years.

Election of a new Bureau of the Board of Directors

The new President and Vice-President take office for 3 years.

Renewal of the President's mandate

The President is reappointed for a 3-year term.

New revision of the statutes

The Extraordinary General Assemblies of February 12 and November 15, 2012 allow for the modernization of the Union. 

Fiftieth Anniversary of the Union

The statutes are again modified. A Board of Directors is established for a renewable mandate once. 

Involvement in the fight against HIV-AIDS

The project is launched with the support of SEP-CNLS, ILO and the World Bank. It aims to fight against HIV-AIDS in the workplace. 

Global overhaul of the statutes

The objective is to optimize the functioning of the federations and to give a new dynamic to the Union.

Membership in UNIPACE

The Union des Patronats d'Afrique Centrale includes four other unions in addition to Unicongo: the Groupement Interprofessionnel du Cameroun (GICAM), the Confédération Patronale Gabonaise (CPG), the Confédération Nationale du Patronat Tchadien (CNPT) and the Groupement Interprofessionnel du Centrafrique (GICA).

Restructuring of the Union

The growing number of members and the multiplicity of problems encountered require a reorganization of Unicongo, with the support of an expert from the International Labor Office (ILO). 


The professional employers' organizations existing in Congo meet.


Unicongo becomes a full-fledged employers' union. 

Creation of the employers' organization

It is a territorial section of the Union Patronale et Interprofessionnelle de l'Afrique Equatoriale Française (A.E.F).

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